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Marine response to climate changes during the last five millennia in the central Mediterranean Sea

TitoloMarine response to climate changes during the last five millennia in the central Mediterranean Sea
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsMargaritelli G., Vallefuoco M., Di Rita F., Capotondi L., Bellucci L.G., Insinga D.D., Petrosino P., Bonomo S., Cacho I., Cascella A., Ferraro L., Florindo F., Lubritto C., Lurcock P.C., Magri D., Pelosi N., Rettori R., Lirer F.
JournalGlobal and Planetary Change
Pagination53 - 72
Date PublishedJan-07-2016
Short TitleGlobal and Planetary Change
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